We sat down with Sales and Client Service Manager, Darren Blair, and Client Service Coordinator, Jess Maritz, to get some insight into the client experience that every Blok owner goes through on the journey to seeing their Blok apartment come to life.
When asked why Blok decided to include customisation as part of the client experience, Darren says, "each element in every apartment we design is carefully thought out and created with our future owners in mind. Yet we fully understand that everybody has his or her own creative interpretation of space and style for their home. Understanding this has allowed us to give clients freedom when it comes to choosing various elements within their home, which will ultimately make it uniquely theirs. This is part of our ethos as a brand, which is to have our clients be part of the Blok journey from purchase all the way until handover."
"One of my favourite parts of customisation is actually meeting the clients in person and linking a name to a face. I feel very privileged that I get to meet the most incredible people and help them make integral decisions in their homes." - Jess.
"I thoroughly enjoy how every customer looks at their apartment differently; it is really refreshing to see how personal taste and unique perspective influence the way they engage with their apartment' layout and design" says Darren of his favourite part of the customisation process. Jess elaborates, "Our clients realise that a little bit of attention to detail and design can go a very long way, which speaks to our Thoughtful Design motto. This gives each and every apartment a uniquely personal touch."
The initial customisation meeting that Jess sets up with clients is always at the Blok ExhibitionSpace, as seeing and experiencing the space is pivotal to the customisation process. "The process involves many different elements and the space allows clients to see the different options offered for themselves." Darren continues: "it is really important to start thinking about how you envision living in your apartment as early as possible. From the moment you purchase an apartment from us, start thinking about how you anticipate making the space individually yours."
"Customisation can be challenging at times but being able to work with such an agile and close-knit team makes it an incredibly rewarding process and experience for all involved." - Darren.